Feature Requests

Please record any feature requests here.

Adapting cost automatically to reflect deliveries FIFO
CUstomers would like to be able to give a price per tonne for feed deliveries as they come in, and for the price of the feed to then adjust when they start ...
Fri, 30 Aug, 2024 at 6:05 PM
Add Cow Number Fed and % in Unloading
Please can we add a column that shows the amount of animals fed and the % in this section. 
Wed, 4 Sep, 2024 at 11:01 AM
Record of mixing time
Per Dairy One request: Good afternoon,   I just spoke with a nutritionist from Cargill who works with the New England states. He is doing an audit on ...
Tue, 10 Sep, 2024 at 4:08 PM
Automatically adjust water amount based on a set dry matter % of the diet
Per DairyOne request: Good morning,   I just received a feature request from Adirondack Farms who is using Feedlync at all of their locations and they...
Tue, 10 Sep, 2024 at 6:46 PM
Make last Stock event stay, reset only "Gross weight"
the farmer is using the Cowconnect app as a reference, where when making a stock event, the lines would stay populated (Type/Field/Product/Stock/Driver), i...
Thu, 12 Sep, 2024 at 12:40 PM