Please see below. Casper had 8 people for a training Q&A in Germany, here their feedback on the features and requests:
Hello support,
Re: Product development
Herewith I inform you about most important comments on Feedlync portal from customers in Sachsen:
- translate settings for subusers in German - subuser settings are very important but difficult to understand, subusersettings need to be more adapted to practice
- not clear and limited information on feedefficiency per group or income over feedcosts per group, herdmanagement connection does not work for milkproduction per group
- weighbridge functions in app and portal need to be more adapted to practice (Starbach-Sachsen-group), also with regard to harvest results and yields. Also weigh in/ weigh out only one at the time.
Feedback from:
- Schaumann feed advisor (1)
- Luchberg Milch (2)
- Agrar Herzogswalde (1)
- Olbernhauer Milchproduktion (2)
- Starbach-Sachsen Bodenbach (1)
- Strautmann demonstrator Agrar Vertrieb Sachsen (1)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Met vriendelijke groet / Best regards,
Casper Metz
Feedlync & SCiO Cup