
Please see below. Casper had 8 people for a training Q&A in Germany, here their feedback on the features and requests:

Hello support,

Re: Product development

Herewith I inform you about most important comments on Feedlync portal  from customers in Sachsen:
  1. translate settings for subusers in German - subuser settings are very important but difficult to understand, subusersettings need to be more adapted to practice
  2. not clear and limited  information on feedefficiency per group or income over feedcosts per group, herdmanagement connection does not work for milkproduction per group
  3. weighbridge functions in app and portal need to be more adapted to practice (Starbach-Sachsen-group), also with regard to harvest results and yields. Also weigh in/ weigh out only one at the time.

Feedback from:

  • Schaumann feed advisor (1)
  • Luchberg Milch (2)
  • Agrar Herzogswalde (1)
  • Olbernhauer Milchproduktion (2)
  • Starbach-Sachsen Bodenbach (1)
  • Strautmann demonstrator Agrar Vertrieb Sachsen (1)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Met vriendelijke groet / Best regards,

Casper Metz
Feedlync & SCiO Cup