A Dairy Consultant in the US spotted this and I believe its important to correct this as described. Please see below:
I'm becoming more and more comfortable with details going in and coming out of Feedlync at Mercer Vu Farms. I have a suggestion for the developers. See this screenshot:
I've done the math by hand on several different occasions. The header for Dry Matter Consumed is actual Dry Matter Delivered. The leftover amount has not been subtracted from this column. For pen 4 in the screen shot the math done manually looks like this:
- Fresh delivered=25981
- Leftover=1199
- Consumed=25981-1199 = 24782
- TMR % DM on the same day to the same pen was 48.75%
- 24782 X 48.75% = 12081
- 12081/179 cows = 67.49 consumed, not 70.75 shown as the average above the column header
However, if you reduce the 70.75 avg by the leftover avg of 4.61 the Dry Matter consumed is the same as the hand calculation. The column header needs different wording and an additional column should be added showing actual DM consumed.
I hope this makes some sense and can help someone else, especially if/when the developers can fix this error.
Robert C. Fry, DVM
12246 Locust Grove Rd.
Kennedyville, MD 21645