Oct. 25. 2024

From Dairy One:

The ability to see planned vs. loaded for total quantities of ingredients. Yes, they can see planned vs. loaded for individual loads, but they would like to see it under the loaded mixes or fed mixes section. This is helpful for them when ordering ingredients. This is also a common report in other feeding softwares – TMR Tracker and Feedwatch to name a few.


If I am missing something and this is already available, please let me know.


Thank you,



Nov. 11. 2024

Know we just had an email about this within the last two weeks, and I know it is on the list, but just had another request for it from Bellers (all three locations). They ran short on an ingredient and were essentially looking to see how far open they had gone, and when, compared to what was planned to be used/fed. Not sure what it is lately, but this has been a popular request/topic!





Amanda Mitcheltree