Usually, in the Netherlands a milk tank is emptied every 3 days. Due to the growth of some farms in the Netherlands it is sometimes not possible to empty the milk tank every 3 days, because there is either to much milk to fit in the milk tank or to fit in the truck that is picking up the milk. 

In some cases the milk truck is picking up milk on day 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,10, etc. (Normal schedule would be day 1, 4, 7, 10.)

In other cases a farm has 2 smaller milk tanks to store all the milk they produce for 3 days. It is divided between the 2 tanks, but they are not emptied at the same day. 

Both scenarios result in irregular milk deliveries in Join Data, where milk deliveries are not registered every 3 days, but as mentioned earlier above, with different intervals. 

What is needed is a solution to recalculate/redivide these irregular milk deliveries.

As example farm Duiven CV: The orange fields represent the first milk tank being emptied on day 1. The purple fields represent the second milk tank being emptied on day 2.